Get 90+ Days of Tips, Strategy, and Motivation!

Right in your inbox... every day!

The best part... IT'S FREE !

Your 90-Day Run support officially begins
Monday, January 1st.  In the meantime I'll send you some goodies to get prepared!



and I'm going to help you get ready, stay motivated, and sprinkle in a little strategy!

What ya get:

  • RIGHT AWAY - GAME PLAN WORKBOOK: How to prepare, launch, and stay focused for 90 Days.
  • DAILY EMAILS: We'll be right there for you every step of the way with daily motivation, business building tips, and marketing strategy... all designed to help you WIN!
  • The support you need to create the business of your dreams in 90 days!

Who is Karla Silver?

Here’s the official bio, written in the 3rd person – because that way, it doesn’t sound conceited at all. 😉

  • Karla has reached the top ranks of 6 network marketing companies, all without pitching her friends and family, going to meetings, parties, cold messaging people on social, or any of that rigamarole.
  • She’s written two best-selling books (one with Brian Tracy).
  • ​Owned her own network marketing company. (She hated that one.)
Been voted into the Top 50 Internet Marketers in the Direct Sales industry.
  • Karla is the CEO of the Biz Academy for Women™ - the #1 global, online membership for women growing their businesses across the direct sales and network marketing industry.
  • Karla has created some of the most popular digital courses in the network marketing industry, including Top Producer Academy™, Social Automate It, and others, PLUS she runs a high-level coaching program, Top Producer Mastermind™.”
  • Karla also holds some of the industry’s most attended online livestreams, Top Producer Roadmap™ and MOMENTUM: Recruiting and Duplication Mastery™.
  • When she not creating something in her business, or taking care of her clients and students, Karla likes traveling, eating in great restaurants, or spending time with her ever-tolerant husband. She speaks English fluently (her first language), and knows how to make reservations and order food in more than 5 other languages.
  • ​Karla lives in Rancho Mirage, California, and sometimes, in August, when it’s 124 degrees… wonders why.
Achieve more than others, with less effort & more confidence.
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